JavaScript - Ace Your Job Interviews!

Exciting news awaits! Our team is dedicated to expanding this category regularly, introducing fresh sets of memo cards that cover cutting-edge trends, emerging frameworks, and advanced JavaScript techniques.

What are the different data types in JavaScript?

How do you handle errors in asynchronous JavaScript code?

What are arrow functions in JavaScript, and how do they differ from regular functions?

What is the Event Loop in JavaScript, and how does it work?

How do you deep clone an object in JavaScript?

What is the difference between let, const, and var in JavaScript?

What is the difference between == and === in JavaScript?

Explain the event delegation pattern in JavaScript.

What is a callback function in JavaScript, and how do you use it?

How do you handle asynchronous errors in Node.js?

What are the differences between document.querySelector() and document.querySelectorAll()?

What is the purpose of the async keyword in JavaScript, and how does it work?

What is the difference between Object.seal() and Object.freeze() in JavaScript?

Explain the concept of the prototype chain in JavaScript.

What is the purpose of the this keyword in JavaScript, and how is it determined?

What is the difference between null and undefined in JavaScript?

What is a generator function in JavaScript, and how is it different from a regular function?

What is the bind() method in JavaScript, and how does it work?

What is a closure leak in JavaScript, and how can you avoid it?

Explain the concept of object destructuring in JavaScript.

What is the difference between and for...of loops in JavaScript?

What is the difference between Array.forEach() and methods in JavaScript?

Explain the concept of the spread operator (...) in JavaScript.

What is destructuring assignment in JavaScript, and how is it used?

What is a closure in JavaScript, and how does it work?

Explain the concept of the prototype in JavaScript and how it is used for inheritance.

Explain the concept of hoisting in JavaScript.

What are Promises in JavaScript, and why are they used?

What is the purpose of the Object.keys() method in JavaScript?

Explain the concept of currying in JavaScript.

What is the difference between null and undefined in JavaScript?

Explain the concept of event bubbling in JavaScript.

What is the purpose of the use strict directive in JavaScript?

What is the purpose of the super keyword in JavaScript classes?

What is a generator function in JavaScript, and how is it different from a regular function?